Monday 26 December 2022

Freedom from Loneliness.

Loneliness was never a part of God’s plan. Man (women included) was made for relationships. It is part of the DNA of mankind. NO ONE was made to live as an island, nor is anyone complete as an island. We all need each other to make it in life. Life is made such that a part of us is kept in other people. And, we only get to find it in the place of a relationship. 
"Loneliness Is Not The Absence Of Affection, But The Absence Of Direction." ― Dr. Mike Murdock. 
In fact, our very essence is not found in ourselves. It is found outside of us – in the impacts we make and allow to be made on us by others. So, where then does loneliness come from? Loneliness is an abnormality occasioned by the fall. It is part of the imperfections brought to life when a man loses his glorified place. It is a part of the death process activated and made operational by the spirit of fear. 

Loneliness comes to stiffen life out of a person leading to depression and other psycho-illnesses. Loneliness, in a sense, is a spirit. And, sure is not one from God. Hence, like any other spirit that we have not been given by God, we can reject and not give place (life) to it. It has no power of its own, except that which we give to it. The onus is on us.
"Loneliness is sign of self-hatred." ― Dr. Myles Munroe.
Loneliness like any other spirit has a voice and hears. It tries to sell its idea to us. As it were, it has to market itself. And, the only way it can ever have power over us is when and or if we subscribe to its plea. That is if we buy its merchandise. Its merchandise includes the idea or feeling that we are unloved; that we are not worthy of love; that there is something wrong with us; that people don’t like us; that we don’t measure up and the likes. 

It’s all a strategy to sell False Evidence, making it Appear Real (FEAR). It places negative, demotivating, power-draining definitions on things happening in and around our lives. Its aim is to show us as victims. The cool thing is that we don’t have to heed it. We have a choice. We are not without help.

We can choose not to heed the "Spirit of Loneliness." We can choose not to buy its merchandise. Will you? Today?

The Saint.

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