Saturday 9 October 2021

Talk Back To Your Inner Critic (2B/25). Part B.


This is the second of the "25 Ways To Improve Your Self Confidence (Drastically!)." It is rather long. So as not to bore anyone, I have chosen to break it into three (3) parts. Here we go with Part B.


Just simply borne from our humanness, we are so much easily prone to talk ourselves down. We arrived here as foreigners from another world trying to find our footing. Those we met here are our first guides and could either help or dissuade us on our journey. The expectation is that they affirm us and hence help us gain confidence. This is not always the case. In fact, a whole lot of us are exposed to various degrees of abuse.

Yet, we all still have to trade in the same marketplace. The onus then is on each of us to champion our own cause. Albert Bandura coined a word for this in 1977. It is the word self-efficacy. It is one of the four (4) traits that affect our disposition to life. The other three being Locus of Control (LOC), Neuroticism, and Self-esteem. Self-efficacy is the belief that we can handle the details of our life, task, or action.

Self-efficacy is not exactly the same as self-confidence, though they are related and close. Self-confidence is generic, while self-efficacy is specific to the occasion and or task. Bandura offers four (4) ways by which we can build or consolidate our self-efficacy. The first of these is experience. One is self-efficacious in things one has gained and or built experience in or on. Preparation is the key here.

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