Monday 26 June 2017

Questions and Answers (Sixteen): Why more Widows?

I have this question that bothers my heart and that is, The reason why the population of widows is on a very high increase in our society. – CC, New York, USA

That statistic has never occurred to me, but there are several reasons for such. One of which is the fact women are typically more careful about their health than men. Women are more inclined to go see their doctor than men. False, and deceptive bravado spirit kills most men before their time. With all that we are exposed to in the 21st century one should not be too far from his/her health practitioner. We all should know our numbers (blood pressure, heart rate, BMI, Cholesterol, etc.) and keep them where they need be. 

For those who work in the office, they are endangered species, just in case they do not know. Working in the office could be a death spell, as you could be stationary for extended period. During such times your blood is not moving around your body as it should. And, hence, is not renewing itself, nor cleaning your system as it should. If you work in the office you have no excuse not to engage in regular exercises both on and off work. It is not the devil. It is our ignorance and falsehood that is killing us. Hoping that helps, or at least starts you thinking in the right direction.

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