We continue with our meditations in The Book of Daniel, as we continue to dig deeper into verse 13 of Chapter 10. It reads,
"But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia."
Only yesterday, I was discussing with someone on abundance and or prosperity. This has been grossly abused in the church by all - Catholics, Protestants, Charismatics, Protestants, etc. And that is not farfetched to comprehend. Money is a force, and it does compete for worship. [Matthew 6:24]
We all seem to forget that. And it is understandably so. Just as we are our own best friend and enemy, money is both a desirable treasure and a black hole. Unfortunately, religion always chooses the extremes. God is not in the extremes. He is in the balance. The devil is in the adverbs.
Religion seeks to do things in its own power. Spirituality relies wholly on God, and God alone, no bends, no corners. It is the straight and narrow way. Everything does not go. The end does not justify the means. The means are important to God.
The means is what determines who we are serving - God or money. Jesus' mandate to us is to seek first the kingdom of God, and its righteousness. [Matthew 6:33] This will never change. The first things MUST always be first. The "other things" can never come first, otherwise they become our God.
And we don't do the first things because of the second things. When we do they lose their power and essence. We seek God's kingdom and righteousness for God, not the "other things." God is our reason and essence, not the "other things." No other way around this, lest we are creating idols of the "other things."
Let's pray.
The Saint.
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