Thursday 11 February 2021

Stop Kidding Yourself

"Satan watches for those vessels that sail without convoy." ― George Swinnock.

I know they probably lied to you in Sunday school. They told you satan is powerless and that he is a fool. Really? No wonder a lot of Christians are being eaten for lunch. They take the devil for granted. 

Let me give you the rude shock that your pastor probably never told you. The devil is powerful, and he is not a fool. He is crafty and good at what he does.

The question is, are you good at yours? And stop listening to those who have no clue. Even our own folklores teach us better. A Yoruba adage puts it this way, "Esu lagba koni igbala." 

That is, "the devil has power, but no salvation. How so true? How else do you explain the increasing mental sickness cases in our generation, both the obvious and the seeming unobvious?

What about all the running from prayer meeting to prayer meeting, one revival to the other? When are we going to stop running from reality and truth?

When will we get over our sentiment, start reading our bibles and honestly believe and run with what it says, not what we want it to say? Do we have to wait for the incidences of life?

Satan is real, crafty, and powerful. He would rather have you believe otherwise. That way, he can find a weakness in you. That is a pathway in which he can enter into your life to oppress and get you off the perfect path.

Satan is a predator. A predator always seeks for weakness, not strength, to attack. Your power is a deterrent to the devil. For as long as you fellowship rather than be a loner, you give no place for the
to use against us.

We are called to strength, not weakness. That is our we over in all things, in every area and every day of our lives.

Get my drift?

Your Neighbor
St. Akin de Sage.

© 2021 Akin Akinbodunse

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