Tuesday 1 September 2020

Writing 101

"I Write because I am a Messenger" - St. Akin


Are you a writer? Do you care to share what makes the difference for you? There are quite a several people you might make a difference for by sharing what makes you tick. Remember, the more you give, the more you receive. Hoping you'll be gracious enough to make a difference for someone out there.

Who is a Writer?:

Let me take the lead. Wikipedia defines a writer as "a person who uses written words in different styles and techniques to communicate ideas." Invariably a writer is a communicator. What differentiates the writer from other communicators being "written words."

In effect, a writer is a communicator, but a communicator is not necessarily a writer. Writing is a subset of communicating, a way by which we communicate. Who is a communicator? The dictionary defines a communicator as one who communicates, especially one skilled at conveying information, ideas, or policy to the public — a person in the business of communications, as television or magazine publishing.

Forms of Communication cum Writing:

In giving the above definition, the dictionary seems to weigh more heavily on one primary type of communication against the other four major types of communication. Guess I jumped the gun there. You do realize there are five types or categories of communication, right? These are determined by the people "grouping extent" of the communication.

The five major forms of communication are an intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, public, and mass communication. As you will expect, there are laws guiding communication in these different forms, and hence by extension, writing in these various forms will vary. The existence of laws - boundary conditions - to "writing" makes it a science. A body of knowledge that needs to be both acknowledged and respected.

Writing, however, is not only a science. It is also an art. It is a skill. There are styles to writing, which can vary as our fingerprints. Writing in the creative space requires the heart. Therein is the beauty in writing, and why we might prefer one writing to the other, one writer to the other. One writing leaves us spellbound and another, we are wondering what madness encouraged such.

My Writing Pilgrimage:

I hope you picked up a thing or two as I dedicated the month of August to the beautiful art of writing. I am honored to be a part of this beautiful profession (using the word rather loosely). I did not get here by choice. The hand of destiny seems to have brought me this unlikely path. I went through my whole formal schooling as a relatively lazy student. My only saving grace was intelligence. With intelligence, I was able to pick up my slacks.

I never paid any particular interest to the literature books scheduled as part of our English Literature in secondary school. Books, like "Things Fall Apart," "A Tale of Two Cities," "Oliver Twist," etc. These were all Greek to me. In fact, my literature books were missing before the end of the school term/year. I was the kind of student who was after the "...without tears" books. 

Just give me a summary of the subject, and I can expand it for you. I was not the read much to write the summary in the exam. At least in generality. The first and probably the only real challenge to this philosophy in my classroom schooling life was "Business Law" while doing my MBA. I don't know how Law students survive. I duff my hat to you all.

That I read over and over again, to upload in my head. Went into the exam hall, downloaded, and forgot all about it.

How I got here:
I love this beautiful quote by John Wooden, 'It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.' Wow! My journey into the world of writing began journaling. I would read my bible and books and journal down my understanding, the things I wanted to remember, apply, or what I believe the Lord was telling me. That was my introduction to writing, writing to, and for my own self - intrapersonal writing.

I did so much of these that when I resigned from active pastoring, it was my easy fall back position for ministry. That is what gave birth to the "Devotional Thoughts." The name was rightly chosen, for it is an extension of my private meditations. I began to let the world into my personal time with God. These were published in my church's bulletin. The first of these was published on March 16th, 2003.

This has since grown, to share as articles on a mailing list, to have a community on Yahoo Groups, Google plus, and now presently resident on Facebook and my blog. In the last seventeen years, I have had the privilege of writing on various topics. Topics like, "Naked and Not Ashamed," "The Nakedness of God," "Character," "A Father's Heart," "The Servant Leader," "The Threefold Warfare," "The Warrior Mentality I: Readiness to Die," "II - Discipline, "amongst many others.

A Book in the Offing:

Seventeen (17) years is no joke, and people have asked over the years when is my book coming out? For years, I have been wary of putting a book out, but it seems one is closer than you can ever imagine. One of my friends made himself available to collate one of my series with the intent of working towards a book. Like I told him, it has got to be God-directed, and I think I hear the Father's voice in my spirit. 

I think I know the first book He wants me to write. A section of the very first chapter of it will be going out to my English Advisor friend this weekend, God willing. She has the science. I have art. Together, we can work miracles, along with my friend, who has made himself available.  

There is Still More:

All I really wanted is to say thank you for being there. Firstly, obviously, to God, my family, and you all. I have grown from one who only wrote devotional thoughts to one who now ministers to Married men and women, Singles and Parents. I have grown to be a Life, High Performance, and High Productivity Coach. And, who knows all the future has in stock for me.  

My heart's cry always is, "I'm Yours, Lord."

© 2020 Akin Akinbodunse


  1. Thanks alot mentor. Your writing has really helped & shaped me.

    I'm really looking forward to the book. God bless you sir. Thanks for everything. - Mike Akintayo.

    1. Hey Mike. Great to hear form you. Wow! Thanks for your kind words. I am mightily pleased at the young man you have grown to become. The skies are not the limits for you. God's got you. And, He is taking you into your wealthy large place. Men will testify of His goodness in your life.



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