Sunday 20 June 2021

Real men want their wives to succeed.
Only fake men are intimidated by success. 

Real men want their wives to succeed. They see each other's success as the marriage's success. I know men who have made and still make sacrifices for their wives ' career progress. Ladies beware of fake men, who are intimidated by your success. 

They suffer from an inferiority complex. This typically leads to abusive husbands. Avoid such like a plague. Marriage is a process of continual discovery. It is meant to be fun and can be if only each partner is willing to pay the price. 

Open and sincere communication is essential. The couple MUST seek to know and understand each other and their needs. Then, endeavor to meet such needs in a spirit of oneness and love. That is what it means to submit to one another in marriage.

Marriage is not compulsory. It is a choice. If you are unwilling to live up to its responsibilities, please stay out of it. Don't go cause havoc in/for another person's life.

St. Akin de Lover.

© 2015 Akin Akinbodunse

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