Friday 17 February 2017

Love is Found in the Little Things

Love is not as hard as most people seem to think it is. Love is not far away. Love is in each of our heart. All we need do is to let it lose...let it flow. Love is easy. Love is simple. Love is found in the little, seeming insignificant details of everyday life. Love is life itself. Love is living. Where we most often miss it is in looking for it as though it were something far away from us.

Love is ever present. Love is being present wherever we find ourself. Love is connecting. Love is touching people's heart and making it all right. Love is being the difference for good. Love is seeing our self in others. Love is caring the way we would have wanted to be cared for. Love is taking note of the small things and being proactive in making it right.

Love is cheap enough to be given by all, and big enough to be appreciated by all. Love is our heart extended to another. Love opens the way to paradise. Love is the key. Love is the way.

Your Spouse Deserves Your Best

The 5 Love Languages (Gary Chapman)

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