Saturday 11 May 2024

A God Who Answers | Part Twenty-Two.

We continue with our meditations in The Book of Daniel, as we continue to dig deeper into verse 13 of Chapter 10. It reads,

"But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia."
What was it about Moses that made him turn aside to inquire more about the burning bush? [Exodus 3:3-10] Would you have? Would God have gotten your attention that way? What was it about Samuel that made him seek after Eli and then God's voice. [1 Samuel 3:4-20] Would you have obeyed Eli to answer to God?

That brings to mind that age old song/hymn composed by Eduardo J. Lango, "When He Calls Me I will Answer." The first and second stanzas go thus,

1. When he calls me I will answer,
When he calls me I will answer,
When he calls me I will answer;

2 With a glad heart I will answer,
With a glad heart I will answer,
With a glad heart I will answer;

The Refrain goes thus,

I'll be somewhere list'ning for my name.
I'll be somewhere list'ning,
I'll be somewhere list'ning,
I'll be somewhere list'ning for my name.
Oh, I'll be somewhere list'ning,
I'll be somewhere list'ning,
I'll be somewhere list'ning for my name.

The Refrain has another version, I grew up with. It goes thus,

I'll be somewhere working for my Lord.
I'll be somewhere working,
I'll be somewhere working,
I'll be somewhere working for my Lord.
Oh, I'll be somewhere working,
I'll be somewhere working,
I'll be somewhere working for my Lord.

When God calls you, will He find you ready? Will He find you listening? Will He find you working and/or walking for/with Him? How deep is your devotion? Good enough only for Sundays and times within the four walls of the church? Or, does it also find you in the marketplace?

The Saint.

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