Thursday 11 April 2024

Amuludun Farms: Three (3) Years After | Part Five.

I don't grumble when I buy Apple gadgets. I count it as a privilege to be buying one. I am buying a service I need and want. I am not doing Apple a favor. They are doing me a favor by making the product available.

That is the kind of mindset we desire of our employees, mentors, consultants, contractors, stakeholders, and customers. We don't want anyone to think they are doing us a favor. Rather, we want them to see us doing them a favor by engaging with us.

We want to be "desired." That is the prevailing spirit in our company and farm, " be desired." It is our culture, who we are, and all we represent. And, we go and will go the extra mile to achieve this.

Yes, we are in this to "change lives," but we do it by being "desired." This has marked all the projects we have done to date, are presently doing, and will do in the future. It is our winning formula, our differentiator.

My Farm Manager has been asking why we pay the waybill, rather than having our customers do. Now she has her answer.

In closing, and as we enter into our fourth (4th) year of existence, we are grateful to God for many things. For one, we have transited from a company and a farm which rarely sold anything, to one which harvests and sells at least twice a week.

We now have a positive cash flow. And, like you know cash is king. Cash flow is what makes a business. This has given us renewed strength to pursue our other projects and expansions. We presently have irrigation in one of our farms, and we are proceeding to install irrigation on the second of our three farms.

We are breaking the ground next week for our Green House. It will be the biggest in the region. We are continuing the finishing of our Poultry and Farm Accommodation. We have initiated plans to drill a second borehole in our biggest farmland.

We have started work with IITA, Ibadan by buying Yam Seedlings and Cassava Stems from them. The plan is to do more with the institute. We want to be a part of their research. We have plans to plant their various grade of Cassava Stems and help prove other things they are working on.

We also plan to work with other Institutes in Ibadan. We are a knowledge-based company and farm. We presently represent various products in the market and new ones yet to be introduced to the market.

Yes, we seem to have our hands in many things, but our focus, vision, mission, and culture will never be in doubt or missed. They are the qualifiers for all that we do and will do. So, help us God.

The Saint.

#desired #cultfollowing #humanexperience #humanenergy


  1. Well done 👍🏼. God's blessings and speed.

    1. Amen and Amen. Thanks. You are most appreciated.



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