Friday 26 April 2024

A God Who Answers | Part Seven.


We continue with our meditations in The Book of Daniel, as we continue to dig deeper into verse 13 of Chapter 10. It reads,

"But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia."

We continue digging into the phrase "withstood me." Our calling is to grow into Christ in all things. There is no other way. In John 15, Jesus tells us, "Every branch in me that does not bear fruit will be taken away." Note the word, "Every." It is not some, but every. 

Growth is the initiative of the kingdom, no excuses allowed. More like is operational in some organizations. If you are not growing, you are falling out. You are supposed to be in certain positions in certain timelines. You either qualify and attain, or you are asked to resign or retire.

That is very much the way the kingdom works. You are either productive (useful) or useless. You are either rooting out the devil or you are being rooted out. There is no middle ground in the spirit. If you are not standing for something, you are falling for something. 

So, Jesus says, "Every branch in me that does not bear fruit will be taken away." You wonder how many people God has already taken away. People who seem to have life but are empty on the inside. Fans that have since been disconnected from the power source. Still rolling, but only with past glories, no fresh manna.

Hoping you are not counted in this lot. The call is ours, not God's. The ball is in our court. The next move is ours to make. To those who bear fruit, who are growing, extending, standing firm and strong, who refuse to be satisfied with anything less than the fullness of God, He supports. [John 15:2]

He gives them more grace, and enablement to function, grow and produce. He lifts up their spirit and fills them with Himself, so they might be fresh and produce even much more. They don't grow weary. They don't faint. For the almighty supports them. [Isaiah 40:31]

They are like the trees planted by the stream. They bring forth their fruit in season. Their leaf does not wither, and all they do prospers. [Psalm 1:1-3]

The Saint.

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