Saturday 13 March 2021

A Heart that Yearn for Home.

It is amazing how God continuously brings us to a place of dependence in/on Him. 

I am going through one of those seasons of mine when He has once again emptied me of me. How I long to forever be in this state of humble dependence on Him. 

Thank God He brings me back each time I stray. Truly, we can do nothing without Him. When we think we have it all, we need to beware. For, at that point, we are truly missing something, something vital. 

His words will never fall to the ground. Without Him, we can truly do nothing. 

O that I might continually wrestle in/for dependency on/in Him in everything I do, say, and plan for. I need Him, O I need Him. Every hour I need Him. O bless me now, my savior. I come to thee.

St. Akin de Great.

© 2018 Akin Akinbodunse.

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