Friday 12 February 2021

Praying in the Holy Ghost with St. Akin. (Part Three)

“I thank God that I speak in [unknown] tongues more than all of you.” ― 1  Corinthians 14:18, Amplified Version.

What did Paul mean by this statement? Could he be correct? Did he know what he was talking about? The obvious answer is yes. He knew what he was saying.

On a perfect day, I get 90 minutes plus of praying in tongues. 30 minutes with my wife and 60 minutes plus on a prayer walk, both for physical and spiritual exercise. If Paul prayed more than me, then he sure prayed more than 90 minutes a day.

Why did Paul do this? He did it for the benefits contained therein. He did it because it was part of his spiritual exercise to own (possess) his soul, spirit, and body as part of his fulfilling his ministry and calling. More on this later. For now, let us go to the second description of praying in the Holy Ghost.

This takes us to the sixth chapter of Ephesians. And, guess which verse we land on. Correct, verse eighteen also, just like in 1 Corinthians 14. God indeed hides in coincidences. It reads, 

"With all prayer and petition pray [with specific requests] at all times [on every occasion and in every season] in the Spirit, and with this in view, stay alert with all perseverance and petition [interceding in prayer] for all God’s people." [Amplified]

These are no prayers in tongues. They are prayers motivated and directed by the Holy Spirit. These are inspired prayers out of a heart and being in close oneness with the Holy Spirit. So, these were not zero understanding prayers. Neither were they full understanding prayers. 

People prayed irrespective of their level of understanding as they were stirred and moved by the Holy Spirit. Welcome this kind of people and praying also. All we are set to do is to create a platform for people to pour out their hearts with the power and assistance of "The Helper."

The main activity is the 30 minutes praying. Every other thing is a wash. They are merely administrative. I never forget what I learned from Papa Hagin a long time ago. He taught if you call for a teaching meeting, make it a teaching meeting. If you call for a prayer meeting, make it one.

 Below is a breakdown of the flow. 

04:50 CT / 11:50 WAT: Line Opens.
04:50 CT / 11:50 WAT: Music. (5 minutes)
04:55 CT / 11:55 WAT: Sharing on anything the Holy Ghost prompts. (5 minutes)
05:00 CT / 12:00 WAT Prayer time: Praying in the spirit for 30 minutes.
05:30 CT / 12:30 WAT Round up Prayers: (5 minutes) Close prayers with and in understanding.
05:35 CT / 12:35 WAT: Music. (5 minutes)
05:40 CT / 12:40 WAT: Close line.

I am presently scheduled to take all the openings. When indisposed for whatever reason, my wife will cover for me. The round-up will be handled by various friends of mine. We are fast filling the schedule for the first quarter. The plan for the second quarter will open on March 1st.

Feel free to ask any questions on your mind. This is an open forum.

I am going to stop here for today. We will pick it up from here tomorrow.

Alone in the Father’s Presence.

St. Akin de Great.

© 2021 Akin Akinbodunse.

Link to Related Article:
Praying in the Holy Ghost with St. Akin. (Part Two)

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