Thursday 15 March 2018

Devotional Tea 31: Watch, Pray and Keep Watching

Scripture: Acts 12:15-16 (NIV)

“You’re out of your mind,” they told her. When she kept insisting that it was so, they said, “It must be his angel.” But Peter kept on knocking, and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished.

Elijah on Carmel did not only pray; he kept his eyes open to see the rising cloud. (Theodore L. Cuyler) 
How so often we get into the act of praying we make a religion of it. We get so used to the act we forget the very art itself. We get so carried away by the activity we lose its power and efficacy. The other day, a friend talked about prayer in a Sunday school, and all he said had no place in scripture. His focus was on how long people prayed. Really??? Is that what prayer is about - the time spent or how the time was spent? Is it a check-the-box activity or a time and place to meet with God?

We have made a religion out of a powerful spiritual act and art. We have created deadness from that which is meant to give life. Prayer is not a mere activity. It is not how long, but how well. It is not a check the box activity. It is not a feel-good thing like some have made it. It is our essential communication and communion with God. It is our place of dependence on His grace, mercies, and almightiness.

Prayer is our portal for giving entrance to the supernatural in taking pre-eminence over things' natural scheme. Prayer works. Prayer works always. If it is not working for you, seek to find out why. For prayer, it always works. God has not changed. His word has not changed. You just might have made a religion out of what is supposed to be a living spiritual act.

Further Reading: 1 Kings 18:41-46; Luke 18:1-8; Acts 12:1-19; James 5:13-18

Prayer: Lord, deliver me from the temptation to commonize that which you have called holy.


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