Saturday 30 September 2017

So, You Think You Have a Job?

So, you think you have a job?
No, you do not have a job.
What you have is an opportunity:
An opportunity, to be all that you can ever be,
An opportunity, to launch yourself.

So, you think you have a job?
No, you do not have a job.
You have a seed.
You have something to sow.
You have something to invest.
You have something to show faithfulness in.

So, you think you are working for someone?
No, you are working for yourself.
You are the CEO of yourself.
How are you managing you?
Is you profitable, or a liability?
Is you growing, or going out of business?
You’ve got the controls.
You are on the driver’s seat.
Don’t let you go bankrupt.

So, you think you have a job?
No you do not have a job.
What you have is a platform.
You have some where to launch out from.
Make it count.
The world is watching.
Your future is waiting.
It is not your last bus-stop.
It is only a means to an end.

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