Saturday 1 April 2017

Goodbye March!

Thanks for bearing with my many postings. Sometimes, I wonder why I do what I do. I wonder if it is helping someone, somewhere. The feedbacks I get the privilege of receiving, and the many one-on-one counseling sessions, seems to indicate we are hitting home. That reminds me of one of my Filipino friend’s comment. She said, “She knows I don’t do this because I do not have problems of my own. I do it in spite of.” Probably no truer words have ever been said.

I am just as human as every one of you. I get to go through the very same challenges you all are going through. I am not above my postings in anyway. What I post and say to others I say to my very own self. Yes, some might come out of lessons from my life experience, but I am not done living. What was learnt in the yesterdays of our lives are not just for others and to be kept on the shelf. They are the strength we need to be victorious in the todays and tomorrows of our life.

We must NEVER forget that, "LIFE IS A CONTINUUM."

Thanks once again for your fellowship. Let us hand in hand be a source of help and encouragement to one another as we each march towards our goals, dreams and vision.

Okay March. See you in a year’s time.

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