Thursday 20 April 2017

Dream a Dream of Righteousness

Rather than being tempted to do evil, can we tempt our own self to do good? Rather than being worked on by the world and our flesh, can we work on our own self to do that which we want to do? Rather than being a slave to the desires of our lower nature, can we become a slave, by choice, to our own higher nature?

The answer to all the above questions is a resounding, YES! Yes, we can. The question is, WHY NOT? Why not start today to take ownership of our own life? Why not start today to take ownership of our own journey? Why not start today to take ownership of our own destiny and destination? There is no reason why not. We are without excuse. We are each fully equipped to do this. What are you waiting for?

Dream a dream of righteousness today. Dream a dream of who you want to be, and where you want to be. Create a magnet in your future that draws you to itself. That is the Apostle Paul’s admonition to us in Philippians 4:8-9. You have the power. When are you going to start using it?

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